Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Niidzuma ~ Manga

Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Niidzuma ~

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Alternative(s): Akuma no Niidzuma; Conjuré al Diablo para que me cumpliera un deseo, pero me casé con ella porque ella era adorable ~Mi nueva esposa diabólica~; Es el diablo; I Summoned the Devil to Grant Me a Wish, but I Married Her Instead Since She Was Adorable ~My New Devil Wife~; Mi nueva esposa diabólica; My New Devil Wife; Negai o Kanaete Moraou to Akuma o Shōkan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Nīdzuma ~; Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Niidzuma ~; 悪魔の新妻; 願いを叶えてもらおうと悪魔を召喚したけど、可愛かったので結婚しました ~悪魔の新妻~


Artist:Tonari Keru (となりける)

Status: Ongoing

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Genre(s): Comedy , Fantasy , Romance


Young orphaned adventurer tries summoning the devil to help his career as his own skills are lacking. The devil comes in form of a beauty who offers to grant him one wish. He’s so enamored with her appearance that he asks her the first thought in his mind, to be his wife. She blushingly agrees to his surprising demand and they go on to future adventures together. Español / Spanish SpoilerUn aventurero joven y huérfano trata de conjurar al diablo para obtener ayuda con su disciplina, pues sus abilidades son pocas. El diablo viene en forma de una bella que le ofrece un deseo. Tal fue su enamoramiento con su apariencia que le pide la primera cosa que le vino a la mente, que sea su esposa. Sonrojada, ella acepta su pedido sorpresivo y se dedican a aventurar juntos.

Young orphaned adventurer tries summoning the devil to help his career as his own skills are lacking. The devil comes in form of a beauty who offers to grant him one wish. He’s so enamored with her appearance that he asks her the first thought in his mind, to be his wife. She blushingly agrees to his surprising demand and they go on to future adventures together. Español / Spanish SpoilerUn aventurero joven y huérfano trata de conjurar al diablo para obtener ayuda con su disciplina, pues sus abilidades son pocas. El diablo viene en forma de una bella que le ofrece un deseo. Tal fue su enamoramiento con su apariencia que le pide la primera cosa que le vino a la mente, que sea su esposa. Sonrojada, ella acepta su pedido sorpresivo y se dedican a aventurar juntos.

Negai wo Kanaete Moraou to Akuma wo Shoukan Shitakedo, Kawaikattanode Kekkonshimashita ~ Akuma no Niidzuma ~ Chapter List