Magic gone haywire and now Kirei, Kariya, and Gilgamesh are in each other’s bodies.

    Genre(s): Doujinshi, Shounen Ai

    Updated Time: Nov 06, 2016

  • Fate Zero dj - C3

    Fate Zero dj - C3

    Fate meets body swap meets BL subtext.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Doujinshi, Fantasy, Oneshot, Shounen Ai, [no chapters]

    Updated Time: Sep 14, 2018

  • Kuroko no Basuke - AK Working Warning (Doujinshi Anthology)

    Kuroko no Basuke - AK Working Warning (Doujinshi Anthology)

    Aomine x Kagami Occupation Anthology 1. Yawarakana Monotachi (Those Soft Things) - Tochiya Aomine, Kagami and Momoi work at a tofu factory. Aomine explains why his true calling in life is to work with tofu... 2. Aomine-sensei no Otoshikata (How to Score Dr. Aomine)- Epo Kagami, a salesman for Seirin Pharmaceuticals, visits Teikou Hospital to talk to the doctors about business, lucky items, and snacks. 3. Valentine's Day is Just Around the Corner - Rai Aomine finally gets a chance to talk to the part-timer at the chocolatier he's been interested in. Aomine is smooth. So very smooth. 4. Maid Tenshi (Maid Angel) - Mano Riko has had it with Kagami and Aomine breaking hoops and demands that they pay for the damages. Kuroko suggests the perfect job for them. 5. Harvest of Love - Nupuri Kagami, a farmer, finds a drunk office worker at the station and decides to bring him home. 6. Private Teacher - Kudou Hiroto Kagami's asked for help with schoolwork from Aomine since he was young but there's something he's never noticed until he asks Aomine for help with calculus. 7. Koi to Hasami to Towa Shimei (Love and Scissors and Perpetual Designation) - Haruna Kagami is a novice beautician trying to get regular customers but he's too awkward at making conversation. One day a host walks into the beauty salon at which Kagami works. Note: Novel part of the anthology. 8. Ashita wa Yasumi! (Tomorrow's a Day Off!) - Furuta Yago Aomine invites Kagami to stay over since Kagami has no way of going home. They haven't seen each other in a while so they're both excited but... 9. Untenshu-san to Guide-san (The Driver and The Guide) - Yanase Kagami is a bus tour guide and Aomine is the bus driver. Their passengers are from an all girls' school. Awkwardness abounds. 10. Angel manufacture - Natsuki Yuu Kuroko's android, Kagami, is malfunctioning so Kuroko calls Aomine, a mechanic, to see what's wrong. 11. Tomodachi de sae nai (We're Not Even Friends) - Yano Yukio Aomine's been frequenting a DVD rental store to see Kagami but their relationship is stuck at the level of customer and store employee. 12. Sono Otoko, Kyoubou ni tsuki (Violent Bodyguard) - Fujii Shinogu Kagami just wants to go to his part-time but his family butler, Kuroko, insists that he takes a bodyguard with him. 13. Would you marry me? - Aoyama Nijiwo Kagami and Aomine work part-time at a wedding hall with Momoi and Kuroko. Kagami contemplates their future as basketball players and as a couple. 14. Lunch Time Rendezvous - Keita By chance Aomine visits the cafeteria in his office building where he finds the most delicious food he's ever had.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Shounen Ai, Slice Of Life, Yaoi

    Updated Time: May 16, 2019

  • Shinyuu ni imouto ( ? ) Ga ita hanashi

    Shinyuu ni imouto ( ? ) Ga ita hanashi



    Updated Time: Mar 20, 2024